International Conference of Oceanography in the Bay of Bengal: Emphasis on Intra-Seasonal Oscillation

National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), Sri Lanka organized the Second International Conference on Oceanography of  Bay of Bengal, with emphasis on Monsoon Intra-Seasonal Oscillations during January 10-11, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka. This is organized with the support of  Office of Naval Research (ONR) and University of Notre Dame, USA. The conference will also be the follow up of first meeting of our existing project of Air-Sea Interactions in the Northern Indian Ocean, with the new title Monsoon Intra seasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal (MISO-BOB).

The programme addressed oceanic and atmospheric circulations, monsoon transitions, air sea interactions, fresh water balances, internal waves, mixing and biological response in the Northern Indian Ocean, particularly Bay of Bengal. 

His Excellency Athul Keshap, American Ambassador to Government of Sri Lanka, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Commander Sri Lanka NAVY, Commander Sri Lanka Air Force, Chairman and Director General of NARA participated the event.