A World Bank team recently visited NARA with special emphasis on interact with NARA Scientists’ whereas their  scoping study to figure out the project on conservation and management of coastal ecosystems in terms of  development of fisheries, nature-based tourism, demographic factors towards blue economic development. One of theirs major task is, to propose nature-based solutions for coastal disasters rather than converting hard engineering solutions to natural environmental problems.

In addition to that the following concepts were emphasized during the discussion and priority areas will be subjected to lengthy discussion during the next meeting which is to be held at the Ministry of Fisheries.

  1. Mapping of coastal zone based on satellite data and images
  2. Derive a model where nature-based solutions bring to the optimal results
  3. Human- environment interaction towards sustainable fishery industry
  4. Importance of mangrove conservation e. Mattakkuliya mangrove park\resource mapping and updating the existing maps; % wetland destruction including Colombo wetlands/ enhancement visits impact on GDP
  5. Artificial reefs as a solution to discard fiber boats
  6. Coral mapping
  7. Blue flag certification
  8. Prediction model for coastal production in identifying various drivers such as SST, chlorophyll-a, rain fall, river discharge, effluent discharge, sensitive habitats and bathymetry
  9. Aquaculture as solution to mitigate issues on capture-based fisheries
  10. Environmental friendly aquaculture practices
  11. Socio economic status – e. vulnerability coping strategy
  12. Marine invasive species
  13. Coastal erosion studies
  14. Zonation of coastal zone and enhancement programmes as a holistic approach
  15. Monitoring programmes for fecal contamination
  16. Livelihood development programmes

Mr. Anders Jensen, Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist, Environment, Natural Resources & the Blue Economic, South Asian Region (SSAEN) and Ms. Nadeera, were the World Bank representatives while Dr. G. Ganegamaarachchi, Deputy Director General Research & Development, Principal and Senior Scientists representing each technical divisions have participated to this event on behalf of the NARA.