Name : Thilanka Herath
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Education :University of Ruhuna, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Department of Limnology
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Marine sciences, Specialized in Limnology. 2nd class upper division, 2012 November
Research Experience :
- Develop and Introduce an effective Lobster trap for deep sea Lobster fishery in Sri Lanka
- Development and introduce a fishing gear to eradicate tank cleaner (invasive) fish from inland reservoirs in North western province of Sri Lanka
- Develop a fishing gear catalogue for Lagoon in Sri Lanka 2015-2016
- Deployment of Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) to enhance the fish production and livelihood of fisherman in Southern coast in Sri Lanka.
- Introduction and development of an environmental friendly fishing gear and method as a alternative fishing gear for the “Surukku” fishing net..
- Development of effective fishing gear to harvest deep sea Skip jack tuna with the help of radio buoys and FADs Kalmune sea area, Eastern province of Sri Lanka.
- Development of environmental friendly bottom set fishing trap to harvest big fin reef squids
- Habitat enhancement for Big Fin Reef Squid’s spawners’ (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) at their own breeding ground and culturing of Squids at captive condition (Laboratory scale culture studies) (Ongoing)
- Deployment of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), Floating Buoy and Fish Enhancing Devices (Submerge FEDs) to enhance the fish production in coastal water.(Ongoing)
- Research on sketenet fishing method in Mannar, Sri Lanka, (ongoing)
Skills and Techniques
- Proficiency in English Course, 2011 March
- Computer literacy course- 2007-2008
- Short course on analysis of rank data- PGIA
Assessment of the water quality and macro-benthos diversity of a stream habitat at Dediyagala, Matara. H.M.T.C. Madhushankha, H.B. Asanthi and R.A. Maithreepala, Department of Limnology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Ruhuna
Theses publication:
- Macro-Benthos Diversity and Grain size Distribution In Stream ecosystem, Dediyagala.
- Bio Accumulation of Heavy Metal (Lead) in Fresh Water Fish Species Oreocromics mossambica under the Laboratory Condition.
Full Paper
The benthic macro-invertebrate diversity in relation to water quality of a stream habitat at Dediyagala, Sri Lanka, H.M.T.C. MADHUSHANKHA, H.B. ASANTHI and R.A. MAITHREEPALA, Sri Lanka J. Aquat. Sci. 19 (2014): 15-29.
Professional Experience
Trainee Quality Control Executive- Western Lanka sea food processing company-
2012/September to 2013 January.
- Temporary Demonstrator – Department of Limnology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Ruhuna -10th of January, 2013- 30th of June 2014.
- Scientist (AR-I, Grade II), Fishing Technology Division, National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency, 1st of July 2014 to Up to date