The regional research center is located at Kadolkele, Negombo in Western Province of Sri Lanka, 30 km north of Colombo on the North Western Coast. The research center lies adjacent to the Negombo Lagoon and situated in a mangrove area of 14 ha in extent, which is located in the heart of the Negombo town. The area of mangroves is the largest mangrove patch remaining in northern part of the Negombo lagoon and most significant for the lagoon's productivity and other ecological balance of the system
Main objectives of the station
Decentralization of the programme of the agency and facilities of field oriented research studies by providing aids and instruments at the field itself.
Development of national mangrove research and educational center for research, education, sustainable development and conservation of the mangrove area of 14 ha bordering the upper reaches of the Negombo lagoon which is remaining as the only largest single land ward patch. Conservation of land will be immense important to enhance the productivity of the lagoon.
Development of recreational facility (Eco-Tourism)
Broad development objectives of the station
Development of coastal aquaculture advisory center, while attending to conservation of mangrove area.
Rational utilization of coastal resources for the production of finfish and prawn/shrimp for domestic consumption as well as for commercial level.
Maximization of social benefits such as, employment and income distribution for the coastal population.
Specific development activities
To conduct studies for the management of mangrove ecosystems and to development mangrove park
To conduct studies on the resource potential of culturable species in brackish water bodies
To conduct studies to determine the breeding success of important species of which the natural resources are not plentiful for collection.
To conduct socioeconomic studies with a view to maximize the social benefits of small-scale aquaculture farmers.
To conduct studies on water quality and management with a view to prevent water pollution.
To provide on-site training to school children, teachers, university students, small-scale farmers, other interested parties and extensionnists on wetland ecosystems, brackish water aquaculture, fishery development and ornamental fish breeding and culture