Dr. Pradeepa Jayasinghe

Name : Pradeepa shayamalee Jayasinghe

Contact : pradee_jaya@gmail.com

Education :

  • Ph. D. (Food Science and Technology)
  • M.Phil. (Food chemistry)
  • B.Sc. (Agriculture Special Agri. Engineering)

Professional Experience

  • National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency(NARA)

Memberships of professional associations

• Member of Asian Fisheries Forum
• Federation of University Women (SIFUW)
• Life member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLASS)
• Life member of Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR)
• Founder member of the Swedish- (SASNET) -South Asian -Network on fermented foods

International training and Seminars

  • 9th Asia- Pacific conference on  Algal Biotechnology at Asia-Pacific Society for Applied PhycologyBangkok, Thailand.
  • Asian Fisheries Forum at Asian Fisheries society Cochin, India.
  • Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing Post graduate research Fellowship at Marine Research Institute, Iceland.
  • International Conference on Fermented Food, Health Statues and Social Well  Being held India at University of dairychemistry India, Gujarat.
  • International Conference on Food System held in United Arab Emirates University.
  • 9th Session of the Indo Pacific Fishery Commission Institute of Fish TechnologyCochin, India.

Patent certificates

Title of Invention - “The low cost Novel Processing Technology For Preparation of tilapia Oreochromismossambicus Maldive fish”.

Owner of patent - Pradeepa Shayamali Jayasinghe and NARA.

Patent No - 14800

Date awarded - 2010 June 16th

Merit award
Merit Awards for research publication awarded by National Research Council on 2012.

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Supervision:

1. Rajakaruna, (2002). Survey of the quality of fish offered for sale at the markets in central province of Sri Lanka. University of Peradeniya, B.Sc.
2. V.S. Pasqual, (2002) A comparative study on quality characteristics of Maldives-fish prepared using Tilapia (Oreochromic mossambicus) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) University of Kelaniya, M.Sc.
3. M. Pathmashankar- (2002). Potential for dried shrimp processing industry in coastal areas of Negombo lagoon and influence of different processing methods on quality of dried shrimp.
4. Surasinghe, K. M. (2004). The gel extraction and product development from seaweed. Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. B. Sc.
5. K. G. T. Sajeewani, (2005) “Changes in quality during storage of bottle fish paste produced from skipjack tuna”. M.Sc. Food Science Programme, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
6. U. R. Ruwanpathirana -(2005),”Utility of Gracilaria verrucosa for formation of natural mango flavoured jelly powder”. Department of Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
7. Madushanka, (2005) “Development quality of Fish meal prepared using fish waste collected from plants located in North Colombo”. B. Sc. Food Science Programme, University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka (2005),
8. Nadisha, (2005) “Development of fishmeal powder from shrimp Trawl by – catch. B. Sc. Food Science Programme”, University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka (2005).
9 Withanarachchi, W.B.P. Prasantha, (2006). Quality of water, Fish and ice quality in the selected fishery harbours of Sri Lanka. University of, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka., B. Sc.
10. Annurada, H.H., (2006). “Development Tilapia fish fillets using various flavours” University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, B. Sc.
11. Sasiwara, W., (2016) “Formulation of nutritionally rich Palmyra incorporated Gracilariaedulis” University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, B. Sc.

Publications and Scientific communications
Publications in peer reviewed journals in national and International

1. Jayasinghe P.S. and C. Jayasinghe (1994). Extraction of agar from commercially important seaweed. FAO Fisheries Technical Report No. , FAO Rome pp:271-279
2. Jayasinghe, P.S. Fonseka T. S. G. and Bamunuarachchi, A. (1996). Some biochemical changes of fermented fish products. FAO Fisheries Technical Report No. 563, FAO, Rome: 207 – 214.
3. Jayasinghe, P.S. Fonseka T. S. G. and Bamunuarachchi, A. (1999). Effect of Goraka concentrate in curing mixture on quality of traditional fermented fish (Jaadi). Sri Lanka Journal Aquatic Sciences, 4: 91 – 97.
4. Jayasinghe, P.S. Fonseka T. S. G. and Bamunuarachchi, A. (2000). Survey on the quality of Jaadi available in Sri Lankan market. Journal of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency of Sri Lanka, 36: 26 – 34.
5. Jayasinghe, P.S. Fonseka T. S. G. and Bamunuarachchi, A. (1999). Comparison of quality of Jaadi prepared laboratory and purchased from the market. Proceedings of the
2nd annual Research Sessions, (FGS) of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardenapura.pp:69-78.
6. Jayasinghe, P.S. Galapathhi, C. (2006) “Influence of different shrimp processing methods for preparation of dried steamed shrimp”. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Science June 11 (2006): 85-91.
7. Jayasinghe, P. S. S, Ekanayaka Galapathhi, C., (2003) “Evaluation of Quality and shelf life of jaadi from Indian mackerel Rastreliger kanaguratain try annual journal of the Institute of chemistry. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. 210:2 p:15-1.
8. Jayasinghe, P.S. and R.M.A.G.G. Rajakaruna (2005) “Bacterial Contaminations of fish sold in fish markets in Sri Lanka. Journal of National Science Council of Sri Lanka 2005 33(3): 219-221.
9. Sarojini J.K.A. Ubhayasekera, Pradeepa Jayasinghe, Sagarika Ekanayaka and Paresh C. Dutta (2012). High cholesterol oxidation in pickled mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Sri Lanka. Eur. J. lipid Scie. Technology. 114, 695-700
10. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizers on plant growth of Capssicum annum” An International
Multidisciplinary Journal Discovery, India Vol 52 issue 244, pp 723-734.
11. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “ Formulation of Nutritionally superior and low cost seaweed based Soup mix powder”, International journal of food processing & Technology. J Food Process Technology, USA 7: 571. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000571.
12. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “Effect of extraction methods on the yield and physiochemical properties of polysaccharides extracted from seaweed available in Sri Lanka
Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences on 05 May2016: USA :Vol 4. Issue. http://dx. Doo.org/10. 4172/2375.446x1000150
13. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “Chemical Composition of six edible seaweed species available in Sri Lanka" Journal of National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency on 9th December 2015
14 Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “Formulation of Seaweed Based Jam as a Sources of Nutrition” Journal of National Aquatic Resource
Research and Development Agency on 16th November 2015
15 Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “ Seaweed  Extract As A Natural Food Coloring Agent In Jellty Desserts On Chemical, Microbiological and Sensory quality” Journal of Academy of Agriculture on 3rd May 2016. http//Innovative journal. in/aaj/Index.php/aaj.
16.Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “An Assessment of the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of seaweed and seaweed based food” International Multidisciplinary Journal Discovery, India Vol 52 issue 244, pp 723-734.

International scientific communication, Short communications, presentation, technical reports and abstract publications:
1. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka T.S.G. and Bamunuarachchi, A., (1994). Extraction of Agar from commercially important seaweeds. The paper presented at the 9th session of Indo Pacific Fishery Commission Workingparty on Fish Technology and Marketing, Cochin, India.
2. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka T.S.G. and Bamunuarachchi, A., (1996). Some bio-chemical changes of fermented fish products. The paper presented at the 10th session of Indo Pacific Fishery Commission Working party on Fish Technology and Marketing, Cochin, India.
3. Pasqual, V.S. Jayasinghe, P. S. Jayasinghe J. M. P. K. and Galappaththi C.(2003). Comparative study on Quality characteristic of Maldive fish prepared using Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). The Proceedings of paper presented at the First International Conference on Food Systems, Emirates. pp: 9
4. Jayasinghe, P.S. Pathmashankar, M., Jayasinghe J.M.P.K. and Galappaththi, C., (2003). Influence of Different processing methods on shelf life and quality of dried shrimp. The Proceedings of paper presented at the First International Conference on Food Systems, Emirates. pp: 64
5. Jayasinghe P.S. and Ekanayaka S. (2003). Fermented and cured fish in Sri Lanka. In: Souvenir of International Conference on Fermented Food, Health Statues and Social
Wellbeing, and Agricultural University, India, pp 7 – 9.
6 Ekanayaka S.and Jayasinghe P.S. (2003). Fermented food products in Sri Lanka and Maldives. In: Research articles of International Conference on Fermented Food, Health Statues and Social Wellbeing, Ananda Agricultural University, India, pp: 4.
7. Ekanayaka S.and Jayasinghe P.S. (2005). ”Changes in fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of jaddi made from Indian mackerel (Rastreliger kanagurata)
during curing.. In: Research articles of International Conference on Fermented Food, Health Statues and Social Wellbeing, Ananda Agricultural University, India, pp : 16-18.
8. Jayasinghe, P.S., Pahalewatharachchi, V., Sanathanam S and Kiriella, A.G.C. (2007). “Evaluation of the Quality of agarophytes available in Sri Lanka for utilization in the food processing industry.” Presented at the Asian Fisheries Forum held in India Cochin, November 23rd. pp.: 136.
9. Jayasinghe, P.S. Marteinsson Viggo Thor. , Hrólfur Sigurdsson., (2007). “Quality of water and ice used for Fish handling in fishing Harbors in Sri Lanka”. Presented at .International Training Programme Final presentation and report held in Iceland-March 2006.
10.Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K.K.D.S., (2016) “Effect of extraction methods on the yield and physiochemical properties of polysaccharides extracted from seaweed Presented and Published on Proceedings of the 9th Asia—Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology: Algae for Food, Feed, Fuel and Beyond,, 15-18 November 2016, Bangkok,Thailand.

National Presentations and abstract publications in proceedings:
1. Jayasinghe, P. S., Liyanage, C.V. Jayasinghe C. and Samaradiwakra R. (1994).Proximate composition of chitin and chitosan. The Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.pp:165
2. Jayasinghe, P. S., and Jayasinghe, C., V. L. (1994). Preliminary studies of chitosan for removal of mercury from water. The Proceedings of the NARA Annual Scientific Sessions – (1994). 9
3. Fonseka, T.S.G., Jayasinghe P.S. and Samaradiwakara R., (1994). Histamine in tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). The Proceedings of the 50th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri
Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 166
4. Fonseka, T. S. G. ,Jayasinghe P.S. and R. Samaradiwakara (1995). Histamine survey in dried fish products. The Proceedings of the 51st Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, pp : 210
5. Jayasinghe, P.S., Jayasinghe J. M. P. K. and Galappaththi C. (2001). Spoilage pattern and keeping quality of Tilapia species stored in ice, chilled and frozen conditions. The paper presented at the Proceedings of 57th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. pp: 205.
6. Jayasinghe, P.S., Jayasinghe J. M. P. K. and Galappaththi, C., (2002). Potential of dried shrimp processing Industry and influence of different processing method of dried shrimp. The paper presented at the Proceedings of Annual Scientific Sessions of the Post Harvest Technology Division of NARA.p:6
7. Jayasinghe, P.S. and Galappaththi, C. (2004). The Effect of the method of killing on the nutritional quality and degree of spoilage of Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) stored in ice at 00C. The Proceedings of paper presented at the 10th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. p:34
8 Jayasinghe, P.S. and Galappaththi, C. (2005). Utilization of Underutilized Fishery Resources for the Production of Value added Fishery Products. The Proceedings of paper presented at International workshop on Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. NARA, March 29-31 p:22.

Undergraduate and Post graduate Presentations and abstract publications in Proceedings:
1.Jayasinghe, P.S. Kapuduwa S. and Bamunuarachchi, A., (1997). Increasing shelf life of fish products using salt and natural preservatives. The Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Scientific Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.pp:266.
2. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka T.S.G. and Bamunuarachchi, A., (1998). Use of salt and vinegar for marinating fish in Sri Lanka. The Proceedings of the 4th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Pp:28
3. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka T.S.G. and Bamunuarachchi, A., (1999). Quality of Jaadi in Sri Lanka. The Proceedings of paper presented at the 5th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association forFisheries and Aquatic Resources. p:27.
4. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka, T.S.G. and A. Bamunuarachchi., A. (1999). Comparison of quality of Jaadi prepared in laboratory and purchased from the market. The Proceedings of paper presented at the 2nd Research Sessions of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, p 17-18.
5. Jayasinghe, P.S., Fonseka T. S. G. and A. Bamunuarachchi (2000).Effect of Packing Conditions on quality of Jaadi. The Proceedings of paper presented at the 6th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. P: 20
6. Jayasinghe, P.S. Rajakaruna, R. M. A. G. G. and Dahanayake, T. (2002). Survey of the quality of fish offered for sale at the markets in central province of Sri Lanka. The paperpresented at the Proceedings of 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.
7. Pasqual, V.Jayasinghe P.S., J.M.P.K. Jayasinghe and Galappathi. (2002).  A comparative study on quality characteristics of Maldive-fish Prepared using Tilapia (Oreochromic mossambicus) and Skipjack tuna
(Katsuwonus pelamis) The Proceedings of first scientific sessions on Post harvest Technology in National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency in Sri Lanka, October 2002. p:
8 Jayasinghe P.S., M. Pathmashankar, J.M.P.K. Jayasinghe and Galappathi. (2002). Potential for dried shrimp processing industry in coastal areas of Negombo lagoon and influence of different processing methods on quality of dried shrimp. The Proceedings of first scientific sessions on Post harvest Technology in National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency in Sri Lanka, NARA, Sri Lanka held on 02nd, October 2002. P: 6.
9. Surasinghe, K. M. Somawathie and P. S. Jayasinghe (2004). The gel extraction and product development from seaweed. The proceedings presentations of 6th annual session 19th
-20th March. Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka., p: 38.
10. K. G. T. Sajeewani, P.S. Jaysinghe, A. Bamuuarachchi– (2005) “Changes in quality during storage of bottle fish paste produced from skipjack tuna”. M.Sc. Food Science Programme, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka (2005)
11 U. R. Ruwanpathirana, B.D.R. Prasantha, P.S. Jayasinghe – (2005),”Utility of Gracilaria verrucosa for formation of natural mango flavoured jelly powder”.
Department of Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
12. Madushanka, G.A.P.P.M., P.S. Jayasinghe C.V.L. Liyanage, (2005) “ Development quality of Fish meal prepared using fish waste collected from plants located in North Colombo”. B. Sc.
Food Science Programme, University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka (2005), LFN/2001/2002/059
13. Nadisha, P.S. Jayasinghe, C.V.L. Liyanage, (2005) “Development of fishmeal powder from shrimp trawl by – catch. B. Sc. Food Science Programme”, University of Wayamba, Sri Lanka (2005).
14. Withanarachchi, W.B.P. Prasantha, Jayasinghe, P.S. Wijesinghe D. G. N. G. (2006). Quality of water,fish and ice quality in the selected fishery harbours of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Department of Food Science and Technology, 2006, University of, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
15.Annurada, H.H., Prasantha B. D.R., Jayasinghe P.S., and Wijesinghe, D. G. N. G. (2006). “Development Tilapia fish fillets using various flavours” Available in Proceedings of Department of Food Science and Technology 2006, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
16 Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawatharachi V., Ranaweera, K.K.D.S. (2012) Chemical Composition of Some Edible Seaweed Species Available in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA, p: 46.
17.Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D.S. (2012) “Evaluation of Post harvest Quality of Commercial Important Seaweed species available in Sri Lanka” Available in Sri Lanka Proceedings of Annual scientific session of Post graduate Faculty in Sri Jayewardenepura 2012, p: 7
18. Jayasinghe P.S., Ranaweera K.K.D.S. Pahalawatharachi V (2012) “Extraction and Characterization of alginate from brown seaweed from South West cost of Sri Lanka” Available in Sri Lanka Proceedings of Annual scientific session of Eighteenth annual scientific session of Sri Lanka Association For Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in 2012. p:24
19. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D. S. (2013) “An Assessment of the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of six species of Edible seaweeds in Sri Lanka.” Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARAon 2013, p -23
20.Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D. S. (2013) “The Major Pigment Content and Solvent, Effectiveness of Edible Seaweed Species
available in Sri Lanka”. Available in Proceedings of International symposium at University of Ruhuna, Faculty of Agriculture Mapalana 2013, on 29th November 2013. P: 9.
21. Jayasinghe P.S., Ranaweera, K.K.D.N. Pahalawatharachi V. (2013)“Effect of seaweed liquid Fertilizer on germination and growth of Vegetable seeds.” Available in Sri LankaProceedings of Eighteenth Annual scientific session of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Resources in 2013, pp.: 13.
22. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawatharachi V. Ranaweera, K.K.D.N. (2014) “Evaluation of Nutritional Composition of edible seaweed species and value added products in Sri Lanka” Available in Proceedings of twentieth annual scientific session of Sri Lanka. Association for Fisheries and Resources In 2014 p: 17
23. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S, (2015) “Formulation of seaweed Based Jam as source of Nutrition” Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2015, Extended abstract of papers p: 130-136, 09th June 2015.
24. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S. (2016) “Seaweed extract as natural Food coloring agents in jelly desserts on chemical microbiological and sensory quality” Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2016, Extended abstract of papers p: 121-124, on 29th March 2016
25. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S. Perera R. (2017) “Dietary fiber content, fatty acid and starch digestible rate of seaweed and seaweed
based products in Sri Lanka. Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2017, Extended abstract of papers p: 63, on 27th July 2017.21. Jayasinghe P.S., Ranaweera, K.K.D.N. Pahalawatharachi V. (2013)“Effect of seaweed liquid Fertilizer on germination and growth of Vegetable seeds.” Available in Sri LankaProceedings of Eighteenth Annual scientific session of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Resources in 2013, pp.: 13.
22. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawatharachi V. Ranaweera, K.K.D.N. (2014) “Evaluation of Nutritional Composition of edible seaweed species and value added products in Sri Lanka” Available in Proceedings of twentieth annual scientific session of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Resources In 2014 p: 17
23. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S, (2015) “Formulation of seaweed Based Jam as source of Nutrition” Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2015, Extended abstract of papers p: 130-136, 09th June 2015.
24. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S. (2016) “Seaweed extract as natural Food coloring agents in jelly desserts on chemical microbiological
and sensory quality” Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2016, Extended abstract of papers p: 121-124, on 29th March 2016
25. Jayasinghe P.S., Pahalawattaarachchi V., Ranaweera K, K., D., S. Perera R. (2017) “Dietary fiber content, fatty acid and starch digestible rate of seaweed and seaweed based products in Sri Lanka. Available in Proceedings of Annual scientific session of NARA 2017, Extended abstract of papers p: 63, on 27th July 2017.

Articles, booklets and Video script Published

Newspaper article

Tilapia fish products – Sirikatha
Fish pickle – Rajina
Important nutrition in fish – Tharuni
High quality dried fish – Irudina


“Quality of water and ice used for fish handling in fishing harbors in Sri Lanka”        The three months dissertation on research project of Icelandic UNU-FTP 
“Fish products for self employment opportunities
“Prawn culturing and processing industry in Sri Lanka” (AIDA-project)
“Processing of ambulthiyal as self- employment opportunities”


Processing of fish products   for IDB training programme
Processing of fish products   for NIFNE training programme
Processing of fish products   for         NIE   Training programs
Utilization of fish waste products      Industrial training programs
Prepared a manuscript for a video program on “Value added fish product For self employment opportunity” fish at the request of the Fish Quality Management Program of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Prepared a booklet of-“Value added fish product for self employment opportunity” fish at the request of the Chairman/NARA
Video Script:  The video script has written and submitted for the  further Processing to introduce under the title on “Value added fish products for Shelf employment opportunity” request of the Management of NARA.
Seaweed based value added products

Leaflets and Posters

Ulva jam processing
Agar extraction from Gracilaria species
Carrageenan extraction from Kapphaphycus
Agar jelly preparation
Agar pudding
Ulva sheet
Palmyra Jam

Services to the other institutes:


I have provided necessary advises, demonstrations and consultancy services to the national organizations and conducting public awareness programs.
Provide consultancy services for Harleys agriculture group Pvt Ltd
Carrageenan extraction and analysis of their quality.
Provide consultancy services for Ceylon seaweed Pvt Ltd physical and chemical
Properties of carrageenan

Visiting lectures 

I have conducted visiting lectures, seminars, practical demonstrations for undergraduate and post Graduate student in University of   Wayaba, Sri Lanka


Media communications

Video was produced introducing several value added “Value added fish products for Shelf employment opportunity”
Participate the discussion held on Independent Television telecast Aruthbara jeevithaya” program for introduce seaweed based value added product on 2017.
Participate the discussion held on National Television telecast Nuhasevana” program for introduce seaweed based value added product 0n 2018

Research work (refer attachment-2 for more details)

 Title of Projects/Authors/Funding agency /year

  • Extraction of agar from commercially important seaweeds P.S.Jayasinghe and C.V.L.Jayasinghe /NARA/1993
  • Utilisation of waste of shellfish industry- /Extraction and chitin and chitosan P.S.Jayasinghe and C.V.L.Jayasinghe / NARA/ 1993

*     Preliminary studies for using chitosan to remove mercury from water P.Jayasinghe /NARA/1993

  • Evaluation of Histamine content of fish and fishery products Fonseka,T.S.G,   P.S.Jayasinghe and R.Samaradiwakara/NARA  1995
  • Product development from aquatic resources /Development of value added fishery products From different species and quality assurance P.S. Jayasinghe, C.P. Galappath/1997 – 1998
  • Study of microbial profile of freshwater fish and assessment for improvement of fish quality. P.S. Jayasinghe, C.P. Galappathhi/NARA/2000
  • Market survey on survival of pathogenic bacteria and Handling Practices in the fish

Sales outlets in Central Province of Sri Lanka. 

P.S.Jayasinghe, RM.A.G.G.Rajakaruna, and T.Dahanayake/NARA/2000

  • Influence of different processing methods on shelf life and quality of dried Shrimps /P. S. Jayasinghe, J. M. P. K. Jayasinghe and C. Galappaththi/NARA/2001

*   Utilisation of the under-utilised fishery resources / P.S. Jayasinghe and C. Galapath/2002-2003

* Value addition and development of convenience fish products using low valued.Fishery resources –Principle Investigator-P.S. Jayasinghe- NARA/2002 – 2003

  • Evaluation of quality and the shelf life of Jaadi from Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta/ P.S. Jayasinghe and C. Galapath, S. Ekanayaka/NARA /2003
  • Application of the quality index method as a tool to determine the effect of Slaughter Methods on quality and the shelf life of Oreochromis mossambicu/S.Jayasingh and C.Galappathi/NARA/2003
  • Value addition and development of convenience fish products using low valued fishery Resources/ S.Jayasinghe and C. Galappathi/NARA/2004
  • Utilization of by catch production of trawl fisheries in shallow seas off Sri Lanka and fish Processing waste for development of value added fishery products /2005-2006/S. Jayasinghe/NARA
  • Development of value added fish products./ P.S. Jayasinghe/NARA/2007-2008
  • Value added aquatic Resources./ P.S. Jayasinghe/NARA/2008-2009
  • Evaluation of Postharvest quality and Utilization of Economical important Seaweeds Species for Industrial Potential” P.S. Jayasinghe / V. Pahalawattaarachchi, /K.K.D.S. Ranaweer/2010-2016’

 *      Development of value added products using seaweed P.S. Jayasinghe/R. Perera/2017

 *    Development of Candies using carrageenan P.S. Jayasinghe/R. Perera/2018

  *  Innovation of seaweed based products and analysis their bioactive compounds P.S. Jayasinghe/R. Perera/2019

 Foreign funded projects

  • Seaweed Agrophytes  evaluation programme P.S.Jayasinghe,V.Pahalewatharachchi,S.SanathanamandA.G.C.Kiriella/CASP/NARA/EDB- 2004/2005
  • Quality of water and ice used for fish handling in fishing Harbors in Sri Lanka. Edirisinghe, P.S.Jayasinghe and I. Kariyawasam/ ICIDA/NARA/2006-2008

*    Development of Inland fishery for Commercial industry P.S. Jayasinghe, S. Ariyarathna, I. Kariyawasam/NSF/NARA          /2008/2009

 Post Graduate Research Work (refer attachment 2 for more details)

 Research work/Authors/Year

Research project of Master of Philosophy degree:“ Chemical and Microbiological aspects of fish curing/Authors / P.S. Jayasinghe, Prof. T.S.G. Fonseksa, Prof. Bamunuarachhi / 1996-  1999

Quality survey of Jaadi in markets of Sri Lanka /1996

Comparative study on Jaadi prepared by traditional and modern methods  /1996

Some bio – chemical changes of fermented fish Jaadi during bio – preservation/1997

Increasing the shelf life of fish products using salt and the natural preservatives /1998

The use of optimum contents of vinegar and salt for preparation marinated products /1999

Research project of Doctor of Philosophy degree title on “Evaluation of Postharvest quality and

 Utilization of Economical important Seaweeds species for Industrial Potential”

Authors: P.S. Jayasinghe, Dr. V. Pahalawattaarachchi, Prof. K.K.D.S. Ranaweera/2010-2016

*Extraction and Characterization of alginate from brown seaweed from

 South West cost of Sri Lanka /2010-2011

*Chemical Composition of Some Edible Seaweed Species Available in Sri Lanka/2012

* An Assessment of the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of six species of Edible Seaweeds in Sri Lanka/2012                                                                                                                  

*Formulation of Nutritionally superior and low cost seaweed based. Soup mix powder /2013                                                                                                                                       

*Formulation of seaweed based Jam as thickener of Nutrition Seaweed extract. /2013                                                                                                                                

* Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer on germination and growth of Capsicum annum/2014

* The Major Pigment Content and Solvent, Effectiveness of Edible Seaweed Species Available in Sri Lanka/ 2015

*Food coloring agents in jelly desserts on chemical microbiological and sensory quality/2016. Dietary fiber content, fatty acid and starch digestible rate of seaweed and seaweed based products in Sri Lanka/2017.