Name: Dr.A.D.W.R. Rajapakshe
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Academic Qualifications :
- B. Sc special degree (Hons) in Zoology with 2nd Class Lower division
- M.Sc Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Ph.D. Fish Pathology and Microbiology
Research publications
Full papers
- Pathiratne A. and W. R. Rajapakshe (1998) Hematological changes Associated with the epizootic ulcerative syndrome in the Asian cichlid fish, Etroplus suretensis Journal of Asian fisheries science 11:203-211.
- Rajapakshe, A.D.W.R., K.Pani Prasad, S.C.Mukharjee, K.Kundan Kumar, R.K. Brahmachari, C.T.Meena and N.Kumar (2012). In vitro Sensitivity of Three bacterial pathogens of Koi Carp (Cyprynus carpio L.) to certain antibiotics. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. B2 93 – 98.
- Weerasekara, K.A.W.S,. A.M.Azmy, Hettige, N.D,.Wikramaratne,C,. Amarathunga, A.A.D., Heenetigala, P.P.M., and W.Rajapakshe (2012).Assessment of Water quality status of Aquatic environment subjected to frequent Occurrence of fish kill incidents. Proceeding of International Symposium on Urban Lake monitoring and Management, Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 18th May 2012.
- Rajapakshe, A.D.W.R., K.Pani Prasad, S.C.Mukharjee (2012).Gross clinical signs and hematological changes associated with artificial infection of Edwadsiella tarda in koi Carp. Jorunal of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency of Sri Lanka. Volume 41(pp. 1-10).
- Srikrishnan.R, Hirimuthugoda.N.Y, Rajapakshe.W. Evaluation of growth performances and breeding habits of fighting fish (Betta splendens) under three diats and shelters (2017). Journal of the survey in Fisheries Sciences. 3(2) 50-65.
- Rajapakshe, A. D. W. R. M. Hettiarachchi and P.P.G.S.N. Siriwardena, (2001) study on the feasibility of growing three ornamental fish species in abandoned coral pits and reservoirs. Paper presented at the Annual scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic resources in abstract 7p.
- Ariyaratne, M. H. S. and W. R. Rajapakshe (2000) culture-based fisheries of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Indegenious Labio (Labio dussumier) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio)in small-sized seasonal tanks in Hambantota district in Sri Lanka proceeding of ISTAV the symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, Rio de Janairo , brazil, 3rd – 7th Sep. 2000.
- Rajapakshe, A.D.W.R., S.C.Mukharjee and K.Pani Prasad, (2010).Histopathological Evidence of koi carp with artificial infection of Aeromonas hydrophila .The abstract presented at the proceeding of the 16th Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 12th -July 2010 at the NAQDA Auditorium, Pelawattha ,Baththaramulla.
- Rajapakshe, A.D.W.R., and K.Pani Prasad, S.C.Mukharjee, A.K.Pal, and K.Kumara (2011). In – Vitro sensitivity of three bacterial pathogens of Koi carp to 30 antibiotics. The abstract presented at the APA International Symposium in Kochi on 17th - 20th January 2011
- Sewwandi, G.H.D.V., W.Rajapakshe, and N.Y.Hirimuthugoda (2011) Determination of Breeding performances of three guppy( Poecilia reticulate) varieties. The abstract presented at the proceeding of the 17th Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 19th -20th May 2011 at the NARA Auditorium.
- Weerasekara, K.A.W.S,. A.M.Azmy, Hettige, N.D,.Wikramaratne,C,. Amarathunga, A.A.D., Heenetigala, P.P.M., and W.Rajapakshe (2012).Assessment of Water quality status of Aquatic environment subjected to frequent Occurrence of fish kill incidents. Proceeding of International Symposium on water quality and Human Health, Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 22nd & 23rd March 2012.
- Wasantha Rajapakshe, Anusha Dilmini and Saman Athada (2013). Development of Immunity of Koi Carp Cyprinus carpio L. by using medicinal plant, Solanum xanthocarpm .Abstract proceedings of Agri Animal 2013, Interntional conference on Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 8th -9th July 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Indrani Parakrama, Prajani Heenatigala and Wasantha Rajapakshe(2013) . Growth responses and immune assurance to Aeromonasbacteria of juvenile Common carp Cyprinus carpio fed a prepared ration augmented with different levels of tocopheryl acetate through enrichment” abstracts in the International Conference on Agriculture and Animal Sciences (Agri Animal 2013) , Colombo, 8th -9th July 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- A.D.W.R Rajapakshe, K.Pani Prasad, and K.Kumar (2013). Immunological status of Koi Carp for three bacterial pathogens. Proceedings of the NARA Scientific sessions, 29th November 2013-NARA, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya. Colombo 15.
- Wasantha Rohine Rajapkshe,Pani Prasad, Subhash Chandra Mukharjee and Kundan Kumar (2013) Haematological, Serological, Immunological and Histopathological changes in Koi Carp Cyprinus carpio L. with artificial infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Asian Fisheries Forum, 30th April- 4th May 2013, Korea.
- Srikrishnan.R, Rajapakshe.A.D.W.R,. Hirimuthugoda. N.Y, Effect of 3 different live feeds on growth performance of fighting fish .2015. Abstract presented at the 2nd International Conference of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Animal Science 2015 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.28th -29th December 2015.
- Srikrishnan. R, Hirimuthugoda. N.Y. Rajapakshe.W. Effect of 3 different substrates on breeding performance of fighting fish. 2016. Abstract presented at the 3rd International Conference of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Negombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wikramarachi, B.R., Hirimuthugoda, N.Y, Rajapakshe, A.D.W.R. Assessing the impact of natural carotenoids on skin pigmentation of Oscar fish sing photo shop software as the analyzing tool. Abstract presented at the SLAFAR session on26thMay 2017.
Poster presentations
- A. D. W. R. Rajapakshe, K. W. R. R. Amaraweera, S. C. Jayamanne and J. B. Alahapperuma (2005). Preliminary study on the culture of Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in earthen ponds with community participation. International workshop in NARA, 19th – 20th March 2005.
- A.D.W.R.Rajapakshe, R.Thanthrige, A.M.A.N.Adhikari and E.D.M.Epasinghe (2018) Exploration on Prevailing Diseases of Cage Cultured Asian Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer ) Bloch in Western and North Western Provinces in Sri Lanka.5th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Taj Samudra Hotel on 23rd – 24th August 2018.
- Perera, P.W.A., Hirimthgoda,N.Y. ,Krishnan,R.., Manoja,K.H., Seandi,G., Jayanatha,S. And W.Rajapakshe(2019).Distribution and Diversity of Economically Important Bivalves and Shrimps in Rekawa Lagoon Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, university of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka on28th Feb.2019.
Lectures/ Training conducted in RRC Rekawa
Lectures/Practical/Field visits | Target group | No. of participants | Date |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and their importance | School children of Tangalle area | 67 | 14th Oct.1999 |
Lecture on Biodiversity | School children | 35 | 15th Oct.1999 |
Lecture on Biodiversity | Village leaders in Rekawa area | 35 | 12th Nov.1999 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and their importance | School children of Tangalle Maha Vidyalaya | 104 | 5th April 2000 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and their importance | Children of National School, Kolonna | 48 | 28th Sep.2000 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and Marine Food fish | Children of Maha Vidyalaya, Ranna | 14 | 29th January 2001 |
Practical session on Marine Ecology and Fisheries Survey Techniques | Under graduates of NIFNE | 52 | 4th April 2001 |
Lecture & practical session on conservation of Mangrove, coral, Lobster fisheries. | Children of Central College, Weeraketiya and Maha Vidyalaya, Rekawa | 30 | 26th March 2002 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and their importance | Children of Central College, Beliatta | 29 | 16th July 2002 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and their importance | Children of Central college, Katuwana | 62 | 24th July 2002 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove Ecosystem | Diploma Student of NIFNE | 5 | 11th -12th Oct.2002 |
Lectures and field visit on Mangrove and in Rekawa Lagoon | Undergraduates of NIFNE | 20 | 29th Oct.2002. |
Mangrove and there conservation | A/L student of Bandarawela Central College | 75 | on 06th Nov.2008 |
Mangrove and there conservation | Grade 8&9 student of Gemunu Maha Vidyalaya, Netolpitiya | 125 | 03rd Dec.2008 |
Mangrove and there conservation | final year student of Agriculture Faculty , University of Ruhuna | 18th Dec. 2008 | |
Mangrove and there conservation | Students, Faculty of Human resources, , University of Ruhuna | 40 | 20th Jan. 2009 |
Mangrove and there conservation | student of Dutugemunu Maha Vidyalaya, Lunama | 13 | 28th Sep. 2010 |
Marine Pollution and Mangrove conservation | student of NIFNE | 16 | 29th Sep. 2010 |
Resource person for the below mentioned training programmes.
- One day training programme on coastal biodiversity for the coast guard organized by Marin Pollution Prevention Authority, at Training center in Kalegana, Wakwella. On 28.12.2008.
- Two-day training programme on Ornamental fish culture for the 40 students in Vocational training center in Bandagiriya on 2009 Sep.07th and 08th
- Two-day training programme on Ornamental fish culture, breeding, and management in the University of Ruhuna, Faculty of Agriculture, Mapalana on 24th and 25th Sep. 2009.
- Seminar on Coastal Bio Diversity conservation for the student of St. Thomas Boys School, Matara, Organized by Agriculture Faculty, University of Ruhuna, on2009.10.29
- Seminar on Coastal Bio Diversity conservation for the student of Sujatha College, Matara, Organized by Agriculture Faculty, University of Ruhuna, on2009.10.29
- Two-day training programme on Ornamental fish culture, breeding, and management in NARA Rekawa, for small scale ornamental fish farmers organized by the Ministry of Fisheries, Sothern provincial Council, on 25th and 26 October 2010.
- Three day training programme on Ornamental fish culture, breeding, and management in NARA Rekawa, for small scale ornamental fish farmers organized by the Small Entrepreneur Development, District Secretariat, Matara 22th and 24 November 2010.
- Lectures on Ornamental Fish Diseases to the farmers in Horana area in the Divisional Secretariat, Horana on 10th March 2011.
- Resource person for three days training programme on Ornamental fish culture, breeding and disease diagnosis for Hambantota district small scale farmers from 25th – 27th May 2011 at RRC/Rekawa.
- Deliver a Lecture on the importance of Mangrove for the government officers of Matara district organized by the Marine Pollution Prevention Authority on 23rd Nov.2011.
- Resource person for three days training programme on “Ornamental fish culture, breeding and disease management” for the farmers of Monaragala district from 23th – 25th November.2011
- Lecture on Mangrove for the school teachers of Tangalle zone organized by Director of Science. Zonal office. Tangalle. On 27th Nov.2011.
- The resource person for the field training programme on Mangrove for the 60 students of Gemunu Maha Vidyalaya, Netolpitiya on 30th November 2011.
- Deliver the lecture on Prevention from Dengue for community people in Rekawa area on 9th February 2012.
- Lecture for the student of NIFNE under the topic of ongoing ornamental fish culture project with Rekawa community on 09th Aug.2012.
- Resource person for the workshop on Mangrove Resources for the student(200) of Ruhunu Wijayaba College, Thangalle, organized by Zonal Education office Tangalle on 8th and 9th Nov.2012.
- Resource person for the workshop on Mangrove resources for the 120 students of Shariputhra College, Ahangama on 02nd February 2016.
- Resource person for the workshop on Mangrove resources for the 90 students of Hapugala Maha Vidyalaya on 13th May 2016.
- Resource person for 10days ornamental training programme held in NARA for fish diseases on 09th July 2016.
- Conducted lecture on Importance of Mangrove for the public sector, organize by MEPA on 24th November 2016 at the Hotel Tangalle.
- Resource person for the workshop on Mangrove resources for the 120 students of Sangamiththa College, Galle on 09th February 2017.
- Resource person for the workshop on fish disease diagnosis for the fisherman of Deduru Oya on 08thAgst 2017.
Membership of learned / professional societies if any and category of membership
- Sri Lanka Association for the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (SLAFAR) – Life Member and an executive committee member from 2015-2017.
- Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) - Life Member
- Task force member of the Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia Pacific (NACA) for Aquatic Animal Health Management from 2011 to 2013.
The ability of Management and leadership Qualities
- 25 years of experience as a research officer and senior scientist in the field of Aquaculture &Fisheries and Fish Pathology.
- Worked as Officer –in –Charge of Regional Research Center at Kapparatota from 1998 -1999 and R.R.C.Rekawa from 1999 to 2003, 2004-2005, 2008 to March 2011 and August 2012 to March 2017.
- All management works including labour handling, infrastructure development in RRC.
- Build up co-ordination with other institutes relevant to NARA Rekawa.
- Represent District Coordinating Committee meetings and Divisional meeting.
- Served as Regional Co- ordinator of AIDA project (Funded by Spanish Govt.) From 2009 to 2011.
- Maintain Hatchery in RRC/Rekawa, Broodstock Management, and fry collection.
- Co-ordination of supply fry for beneficiaries.
- Authorized officer for reporting Aquatic animal diseases to the OIE quarterly reports from the NARA. (2011-2013).
- Organized the stakeholders' consultation workshop on 27th Nov, 2017at NARA as a chairman of the committee.
- Working as a co-ordinator of laboratory proficiency testing programme of Asia Pacific region from 2012todate.
- Representing as member of Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework in accordance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety from 2018.
- I have provided the service as an examiner for the evaluation of the thesis ( Species Identification of the gill trematode (Centrocestus sp.) in Koi carp and an Experimental study of its infection on the hosts) submitted for the Degree of Master of Philosophy, University of Ruhuna.