Environmental Studies Division (ESD) is committed to conduct research with respect to inland, coastal and marine environment. Studies conducted by the division involve, assessment of water pollution status of inland and coastal water and identification of relevant polluting sources, pollution impacts on aquatic fauna and flora, bioaccumulation of harmful chemical substances (heavy metals, agrochemicals etc.), fishery harbour pollution, current environmental status of lagoons and estuaries etc. ESD comprises of a water and waste water testing laboratory that is capable of providing reliable and cost-effective testing services of physicochemical analysis of water and waste water to State or Private institutes and individual customers. These water quality testing reports facilitates the Environmental Protection Licensing (EPL) procedure of Central Environment Authority.
This division involves in conducting and reporting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Initial Environment Examination (IEE) studies of leading development projects. Moreover, ESD provides advisory services to Environmental Management Committees related to problems in aquatic environment and a stakeholder party to Technical Evaluation Committees of EIAs of development projects with a national importance. Emergency Incidents occur in aquatic environments such as fish kills, oil spills, algal blooms are studied and provide reports with recommendations to alleviate the situation, to relevant authorities for further actions.