This Division conducts research to ascertain and improve post harvest technology applicable to the aquatic resources.
The main activities include,
- The introduction of new food processing technologies for both food items and support products from locally available under-utilized or non-utilized aquatic resources.
- Introduction of improved hygienic processing techniques for traditional fish products.
- The Division further offers laboratory and consultancy services on microbiological assessment, chemical analysis, food preservation, processing and quality control.
- Development of technology for extraction of fish oils from fish and fish wastes. Analysis of detailed lipid profiles and formation of feeds for aquaculture.
- Investigation of post harvest losses and measures to minimize the post harvest loss in the future industry.
- Conducting research to help minimize the occurrence of human health hazards due to contamination of fish and fishery products from chemical residue, antibiotics, biotoxins and resistant pathogens.
- Utilizing the small pelagic fatty fish and fish waste to extract oil for food and feed purposes while also developing techniques for producing feeds for farm shrimp and fresh water using locally available raw materials thus introducing methods of self employment and thereby saving foreign exchange
Culture technologies for aqua farming
- Sea cucumber seed production
- Seaweed
- Intensive fish farming using Recalculated Aquaculture Systems
- Biofloc technology for food fish species
- Milk fish culture for baits
- Edible oyster
Product Technologies for new investment opportunities
- Fish minced products
- Fish burger
- Fish Sausage
- Fish paste
- Ready- to-eat smoked fish
- Canning of smoked fish
- Ready- to- cook fishery products
- Fermented fish products (fish sauce, jaadi)
- Value addition of bivalves
- Dried fish products (Dried fish from large and small fish varieties)
- Maldive fish processing industry (New set of equipments)
- Extraction of Chitin, Chitosan and other components from shell fish waste
- Gelatin and collagen extraction from different fish waste material
- Value added products from Maldive fish and dried fish (Maldive fish flakes, Maldive fish sambal etc.)
- Fish protein hydrolysate extraction and fish powder production
- Seaweed products
- Seaweed agar/ carrageenan extraction
- Seaweed yoghurt
- Seaweed dessert jellies
- Seaweed jam
- Nori sheet